Title: Unexpected Angel
Author: Sloan Johnson
Release Date: August 5, 2013
Genre: Erotica
Tasha Skinner finally shed the baggage of a failed marriage. Now, she’s looking forward to a night of margaritas and man-bashing. Tasha’s friends have other plans, including Leather, Lace and liberation.
Dylan Caprese didn’t want to go to Marquee, but he and his friends were on a mission. They took it upon themselves to make sure things didn’t get out of hand when wannabe Doms mixed alcohol with playtime at the monthly Leather and Lace night.
From the moment he set eyes on Tasha, he knew there was something different about her. She wasn’t some bondage babe who thought she knew what it meant to be into BDSM. She was much, much worse; she was innocent and trusting. He can tell she is something precious.
When Tasha’s past threatens to destroy her, Dylan begins to realize that while their paths have never crossed, their lives most definitely have. Will he be able to save her before it’s too late?
Sloan is a Midwestern mom who began writing nearly seven years ago as a way to make money while staying home with her daughter. Now, with two kids in tow and having written more articles on how to assemble various pieces of furniture than she can count, she is reaching to make her dreams come true.
2 Chicks and a Blog REVIEW
Um, well, AMAZING!!!
I started reading this book and COULD NOT STOP! I was hooked within the first 3%. I was going to wait until closer to my tour
date to read, but another blogger who was reading this messaged me and said, “yup,
read this chit” so that’s what I did.
I didn’t even get to 8% when said other blogger claimed
Dylan right out from under me.
WHAT!?!?! I didn’t know I would
want to fight for him. Dylan – AMAZING book
boyfriend. Where is he in real
life? Sign me the heck up! So, since I
can’t have Dylan, I’ll go for the next best thing, Zeke.
This story really is amazing and made my 4:00am bedtime
totally worth it.
Tasha – total firecracker but submissive by nature. <3 this brawd. She made me so happy with how she carried
herself throughout the whole book. For a
“damaged” heroine, she didn’t annoy me, which is a super plus!
Holly – I started to like her UNTIL she pissed me off. Once she pissed me off, I didn’t think I could
be more pissed. Ummmmm, I was really
wrong huh. I would have liked to punch
her in the throat for her little stunt.
Dylan – you already know how I feel about this guy.
Zeke – squuuuueeeeeeee what a character. I love this guy. He’s the male version of my best friend and I
wanna eat him up! Other than Dylan, do
they get any better. Uhhh no!
So there are some other characters (the ex husband, but I’m
not even going to talk about his punk behind, he gets zero time in my review)
but everything was amazing. I know I have
said that 91,000 times, but I don’t care.
These 2 chicks give this book 4.5 out of 5, “you can tie me
up in 30 feet of rope anytime” stars