2 Chicks and a Blog - Ashley's Review
Oh my goodness. I'm not a huge fan of the cowboys but this one sure hit the spot. After being in a severe reading funk for days, Kelly Elliott managed to bring me back to life with the love story that is Whitley and Layton. This love story brought me to my knees time and time again.
There really is nothing better than two broken souls finally finding the one thing that will make them heal. And when they finally come together, it's breathtaking.
Layton completely broke my heart. Having such a rough childhood and the loss of people close to him, not to mention the absolute c*nt that broke his heart; he made me hurt in deep places. When he thinks he's not worth the love or ever going to find it, Whitley comes walking in with some deep secrets of her own.
Kelly, thank you for such a refreshing story and I'm in NEED of Courtney's story like yesterday! I'm so excited for that book!
And it doesn't hurt that smoking hot Gary Taylor graces the cover of this book (and it totally fits the story)
I'm giving this 4 out of 5 save a horse ride a cowboy stars!!!
Layton Morris and his brother Mike grew up not knowing what it would be like to
live in a normal home. With no running water or electricity in their home, no
parents around to protect them, they quickly learned how to survive and depend
only on each other.
When a tragic
accident takes Mike away from Layton, and the only other person that he ever
let into his heart walked away from him, leaving his heart shattered, Layton
focuses all of his time and energy into the ranch he and his brother dreamed
of. He makes a vow to himself to never let love in again. The last thing Layton
needed or wanted was more heartache.

Whitley Reynolds
grew up in a privileged home in upstate New York. When she landed the star
football player in high school no one was surprised, not even Whitley. She
dreamed of a life with Roger living in New York City and happily followed him
The first time
Roger hit her for arguing with him about a dinner party, she forgave him. The
more it happened, the further Whitley withdrew from her friends and family. One
fateful day things go to far. Whitley makes a promise to herself and finds the
courage to do the one thing she thought she’d never be able to do.
Fleeing with her
best friend Courtney, Whitley was determined to put her past behind her and
start a new life in the small town of Llano, Texas, where no one would ever
find out about her past.
And now for an excerpt for Broken by Kelly Elliott
“Court, you need to change jobs. I know you’re looking for
that perfect guy, like the ones in all those books you read, but you’re never
going to find him. He doesn’t exist.”
“Okay, first off, that’s my job. It’s so not fair to drag my
job into my manhunt. I love being a freelance editor, Whit, you know that.
Plus, my ass can live anywhere I want…hence, being able to pick up my life and
move to Texas with you!”
“I know you love your job, but the whole reason you’re not
with anyone is because you keep comparing them to the men you’ve read about in
those stupid stories.”
“Gasp! I can’t believe you called them stupid stories. I’m
so not buying you a Kindle for Christmas. Hey, I get more pleasure from my
books than anything. I love to read, and you should do it more often. It might
give you some hope, Whit. Prince Charming is out there, babe. Don’t give up.”
“First off, you buy
more books than anyone I know when your damn job is reading other people’s
“That’s different. I’m working when I read those. I need
pleasure reading.”
“Yeah, pleasure reading. How many vibrators have you gone
through because you get turned-on by those books?” I placed my hands on my
Courtney started laughing. “Oh my God. Are you jealous of my
Kindle? You want a hot story, Whit? I’ll recommend one to you. I’ll even buy it
in paperback for your ass.”
I shook my head. “Puh-lease. No book would ever get me to the point where I needed
to reach for a vibrator. Ever!”
The smile that spread across Courtney’s face said it all.
Ah hell, I’m in
“One hundred bucks says I can get you reaching for one.”
I stood there, staring at her. “No way.”
“You’re a chicken.”
“I’m not a chicken, you bitch.” I turned and walked toward
the stairs.
“Two hundred then.”
I stopped and looked at her. “You’re really willing to put
up two hundred bucks to see if a book will turn me on enough to need a
“Oh yeah. Just to prove your ass wrong. Baby girl, you have
no idea what you’ve been missing out on during the last few years you spent
with that asshole Roger.”
Just the mention of his name caused a shudder to travel
through my body. “Fine. One book. I’ll read one book, and if it doesn’t work, I
don’t ever want to hear about how hot your latest book boyfriend made you one
The smile on her face scared me slightly.
Oh dear God. What is
she gonna have me read?
As I turned to head up the stairs, she called out, “Wait!
What about tonight? Let’s just go and have a few drinks. I’d kind of like to
see a cowboy or two, Whit. Please!”
I really didn’t want that Richard guy hitting on me all
night, but I did want to relax a bit and grab a few beers. Anything to keep my mind off of Roger and New York.
“Fine, but I’m only going to stay for a couple of drinks.”
“Yes! You’re the best!”
The next thing I knew, she was flying past me and up the
“Jesus, what’s the rush?”
She turned and looked at me like I was nuts. “I have work to
do—shower, shave, search for an outfit, do my makeup and hair. My God, Whit, it
takes work to get beautiful.”
I shook my head. “Pesh, if they don’t see you for how
beautiful you are without going through all that shit, then fuck ’em.”
“You can say that. You’ve given up on men for all eternity.
I just want one good fuck. I haven’t had sex in way too long.”
My mouth dropped open as she turned and walked into her
“You’re kidding, right, Court? Court?”
Oh God…she didn’t just
say she wanted to be fucked, did she? This is going to be one long night.
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Really I'm just a wife to a wonderful
Texas cowboy who has a nack for making me laugh almost daily and supports my
crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he
loves me.....so I'll just go with that one!
I'm also a mom to an amazing daughter who constantly is asking me to make her
something to eat while she has her fingers moving like mad on her cell phone
sending out what I'm sure is another very important text message!
Oh...and I like to sit down and write in my spare time!
I live in the Texas hill country and one of my favorite things to do is go for
hikes around our property with my second favorite man, Gus....my chocolate lab
and my sweet girl Rose, our golden retriever. When I'm not outside helping the
hubby haul brush or move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for me
that day, you will find me inside reading, writing or watching HGTV and soaking
in a nice hot bubble bath.....yeah that last one I just made up but it sure
does sound nice!!!
Follow Kelly at:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/KellyElliottAuthor
Email: authorkellyelliott@gmail.com
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